Monday, July 19, 2010

Luna de todas las noches Ilumíname esta noche

....Luna lunita lunera Luna llena luna perla.
 Dime si ella es la reina y la dueña de todo mi amor....

This is my Bella Luna, shes my cousins baby but Im just going to say shes my niece because Ill probably love her that much! She so cute I can believe it.

I've been designing baby toys for an online store opening in september called LaVie Orange
Its all organic and handmade baby products and so Ive been busy dyeing fabric and sewing.
Here are some pieces from colors I have made so far...

This is one of the first prototypes I made with some scrap samples also naturally dyed.

This was made with the fabrics shown above.

I still have to work on the proportions a bit and find stuffing thats less lumpy.
So far its been fun :)
Creative Commons License
All work by Johana Cordero is licensed under a Creative Commons Licence.